Clinical Training on "Hormone Therapy for Transgender (TG)"
Clinical Training on Hormone Therapy for Transgender people (TG) is organized on 25 to 26 June 2019 at Phnom Penh Hotel by RHAC Cooperating with FHI360 with the special participation from NCHADS, Linkages, Chhouk Sar Clinic, under the financial support from RFSU, USAID, and PEPFAR.
The purpose of this clinic training is to bring the discussion among TG topic as well as to provide the technical skills of hormone therapy to the service provider for them to provide this friendly service to Key Population. As research found out that, TG-F (Transgender Women) is at high-risk prevalence in HIV/AIDS. Therefore, we expect that the hormone therapy services which is what TG-F wants will link to what they need, which is HIV and STI testing.